Microchipping Your Reptile (All You Need to Know to Keep Your Reptile Safe)

Microchipping Your Reptile

What you need to know about microchipping your reptile?

Microchips are small electronic devices nearly the size of a granule of rice. Using a hypodermic needle, vets insert the microchip under your reptile’s skin (the insertion location depends on the type of reptile). The process is quick and safe. The microchip does not cause any discomfort to your pet. Once inserted, it lasts throughout your reptile friend’s lifetime.

Pet Microchips

Microchips do not use batteries or electricity to function. Instead, they are activated by microwaves produced by microchip scanners, prompting them to transmit a unique ID number. The unique code can be used to retrieve the personal details of the pet owner from an online, secure database. Companies such as AKC Reunite and HomeAgain manage such databases. Microchipping your reptile friend is essential because the rescuer can quickly scan it and retrieve the unique ID when it escapes from your home. The unique ID will enable the rescuer to retrieve your contact details on an online database owned by an organization where your pet is registered. You could then receive a call and reunite with your pet in the shortest time possible.

Microchipping Your Reptile

Make that significant move of microchipping your reptile today and increase the chances of reuniting with it when it escapes its enclosure. You can check out some of the best microchip scanners HERE.

FAQs – Microchipping Your Reptile 

Can You Microchip Any Reptile?

Microchipping your reptile is a significant step in securing its safety. Though, the size of the reptile determines if it can be microchipped. A microchip is tiny, comparable to a grain of rice. Therefore, it is suitable for many reptile species. However, the microchip may be too large for some young reptiles or small species. On the other hand, microchipping is safe for older or larger reptiles, including tortoises and snakes. Microchipping should be done by a confident animal professional. You should consult your reptile vet if you are unsure that your reptile is eligible for microchipping.

Can I Microchip Testudines (Turtles and Tortoises)?

If you have a Testudine, you can only microchip it once its plastron (the nearly flat underside of its shell) enlarges to at least 100mm in length. The reptile vet will implant the microchip in the back left leg (under the skin) for the thick-skinned species. However, the microchip will be implanted into the muscle for the thin-skin species. Vets use a special glue to seal the area where the microchip is inserted. Therefore, the microchip is held in place and facilitates healing. It would be best if you microchip your tortoise before hibernation (several weeks). This move allows the implantation area adequate time to heal.

Can I Microchip My Snake?

Yes, you can microchip your pet snake. Vets normally microchip snakes on the left-hand side of their bodies. The implantation site usually is about two times the length of the head from the tip of the nose. Using a special glue, the implantation area is sealed, keeping the microchip in place and facilitating healing.

Can I Microchip My Lizard?

There are several species of lizards coming in different sizes and shapes. For large species, vets implant the microchip under the skin of the back left leg or in the muscle of the same area. The microchip is implanted under the skin on the left-hand side of the lizard’s body for species below 12.5 cm (from snout to vent). With a special glue, the implantation area is sealed, keeping the microchip in place and facilitating healing.

Should You Microchip Your Reptile?

Microchipping your reptile is crucial since these pets can escape their enclosures and get out of the house without notice. Tortoises are known to be slow. However, if unattended, they can move beyond their set borders. Microchipping your reptile helps increase the chances of reuniting with your pet when it escapes from your home. If your reptile is microchipped and gets lost, the rescuer can scan it, retrieve the unique code, and access your contact details from an online database. Thus, you will be contacted and reunited with your reptile friend in the shortest time possible. Without a microchip, it could be challenging to reunite with your pet or prove you are the owner when an ownership dispute occurs.

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